Thursday, August 19, 2010

gazpacho gazponcho

While I should have been dancin' in the rain and gettin' all wet and shit, I was INSTEAD chopping an effin' ton of tomatoes for "quick" gazpacho. Not quick, but only because I am a suuuper slow cook. So. Gazpacho. Never had it before, at least not to my knowledge. It was... Uh... Well, along with being a slow cook, I am also not the best cook. BUT I AM LEARNING. Along with learning how to cook, I am also learning that maybe gazpacho ain't my favorite dish. I like everything in it, but just maybe not all at once.

I didn't take a picture of what I made because it looked like this (aka pretty gross and possibly toxic):

But this is what gazpacho is supposed to look like:

If you really want the recipe, I can give it to you. But you have better things to do, I assure you.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010



How can I be a vegan on a tight budget?

my fellow vegan friend Meggie Woodfield gave me some good tips already. One of those tips was to eat a lot more beans, lentils, rice, and potatoes since those foods are cheap and filling.

What tips do you have?

Cuz I ain't gots me a lots of cash, man.

Monday, August 16, 2010

my little pony wrap

In my attempt to make a vegan lunch today, I took the easy road. No oven, no stove, no microwave, no food processor, no NOTHIN' 'cept a can opener and a knife.

I don't really need to explain this veggie wrap I made or give any kind of a recipe because, to be honest, it ain't that exciting. But it was fairly flavorsome. I just used hummus, spinach, black beans, yellow squash, cucumber, salt, pepper, and basil. Here's where things get eXcItInG!!! I have no idea how to wrap a wrap. I just kinda haphazardly folded it and stabbed it with some toothpicks. It worked, but it wasn't as visually appealing as it could have been.

OH YEAH! I forgot to put a little stupid toy on top of my veggie wrap. I apologize for my error. Here is a picture of a pony to make up for it.

Friday, August 13, 2010

where oh where have those six and a half months gone?


Yeah. You missed me so much, I just know it.

I want to say clever things in this post. I wish I could post some photos of delicious vegan dishes I have made along with a novelty toy placed in the middle of the dish. It would be cool if I had something profound to declare, some sage advice to give. But I'm tired.

So that's exactly what I want to discuss right now: Tiredness. Sleepiness. Xtreme laziness.

I am not typically a lethargic individual. In fact, I have evidence on tape of me as a youngen quite literally bouncing off the walls. I am known to my family and those close to me a ball of energy. I have never been able to sit still (which sometimes proves to be difficult in my meditation practice, no doubt). So it has come as a surprise, disappointment, and cause for concern that lately my energy level is waaay low. I tend to get 7-8 hours of sleep. I get exercise daily. Fresh air, check. Sun, check. I take a multi-vitamin. What's my deal?

There are a few things I know must contribute, whether large or small, to my sluggishness. One being my far-too-much intake of caffeine on a daily basis. I need to quit this addiction, I really do. I am sure this chemically dependency plays a big part in my up and down (especially down) mood. But I also think that my diet has been contributing perhaps just as much to this roller coaster.

In the past few months, my good old trusty friends Depression and Anxiety have been a bit too clingy. And they make me crave processed foods, energy drinks (funny, since it does nothing but increase the anxiety), and late night mindless eating binges. I still eat relatively healthy, but nowhere near the way I was eating when I was vegan. I remember having almost too much energy while on a vegan diet. And food was actually fun, fresh, and flavorful. I miss cooking. I miss caring for my body and what goes in it. And I actually miss nutritional yeast, damnit!

So here's the thing: I start small. I begin by cooking something simple and easy maybe once a day or at least every other day. I ease off on the caffeine and chemically foods. No overwhelming myself here, just slowly starting to steer myself back onto the path of good nutrition and good health. Why? Because I deserve it.